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12 Ergebnisse.

The Religion of Being

Ionesco, Lucian Simon
The Religion of Being
Throughout the history of humanity, we have witnessed the emergence of great figures who have influenced the progress of our society through their contributions to the most diverse fields. Although initially seen as unattainable, unique, and unrepeatable beings, Their success does not lie in luck, supernatural issues, or being people with unique traits, but rather in the mentality they developed and the knowledge and learning they acquired. ...

CHF 26.90

La Religión del Ser

Ionesco, Lucian Simon
La Religión del Ser
A lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, hemos sido testigos del surgimiento de grandes figuras que han influenciado el avance de nuestra sociedad a través de sus aportaciones en ámbitos de los más diversos. Aunque en un principio vistos como seres inalcanzables, únicos e irrepetibles, su éxito no radica en la suerte, en cuestiones sobre naturales o en ser personas con rasgos únicos, sino en la mentalidad que desarrollaron y en los conocimie...

CHF 26.90

Loving Yourself with Open Eyes

Ionesco, Lucian Simon
Loving Yourself with Open Eyes
In Western societies, love is often presented through the cliché of two halves meet to make each other whole. The story is commonly reproduced in literature, film, and television, but it also can be damaging when translated into reality. The excessive importance of romantic love can also create the false belief that all people need a romantic partner or a fairytale relationship, which leads to disappointment since many people will not fin...

CHF 26.50

Love and Heartbreak in the Brain

Ionesco, Lucian Simon
Love and Heartbreak in the Brain
Love is not a physiological process that starts in the heart, it is an event that is built and sometimes destroyed in the brain. There is nothing like feeling in love and having the motivation to see, talk and kiss the loved one again. That set of feelings that makes us feel butterflies in the abdomen, tachycardia and sweaty hands, accompanied by nervous smiles is the neurochemical response of happiness associated with positive emotions. But s...

CHF 26.50

Juventud en Éxtasis

Ionesco, Lucian Simon
Juventud en Éxtasis
-¿Quieres tener sexo? Mi pregunta fue tan directa que bajaste la cara mostrándote agraviada. Diste media vuelta con intenciones de salir. -Espera... Te detuviste en el umbral de la puerta. El escote triangular de tu vestido dejaba a la vista la piel blanca de tu juvenil espalda. -No te disgustes -supliqué acercándome-. Eres una mujer muy hermosa. Miles de hombres darían cualquier cosa por tenerte y me atrevo a suponer ésta sería tu primera...

CHF 26.50

The Complete Guide of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Ionesco, Lucian Simon
The Complete Guide of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
My name is Doctor Lucian Ionesco, I am from Brazil for a long time with various types of clients and took many physical and online courses, I have decided to create various guides to help people with my writing, mainly in the area of ¿¿comprehension. If you ever have the opportunity to meet a person who has a Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, I imagine you have asked yourself the following questions: What should I do so that what is h...

CHF 25.90

How To Flirt Through Social Media

Ionesco, Lucian Simon
How To Flirt Through Social Media
Do you feel rejected? Do you think all women are bitches? Do you no longer feel confident about going out to meet girls? Would you rather be behind a screen and have your imagination take you and her to another place? Well, this is the right book for you!! There are several ways to court, the most current and the most popular are to use social networks and different free media to carry out the task. In this quarantine time, what better book...

CHF 25.90

How to Attract Anyone, Anywhere, In Any Situation

Ionesco, Lucian Simon
How to Attract Anyone, Anywhere, In Any Situation
If you are one of those who cannot even attract flies in summer, do not worry, seduction is an art that can be learned and improves with practice. So what are you waiting for? You have two options: start reading this book now! Throw yourself into the street with the firm intention of seducing the first passerby. Although I recommend the first one better. In addition, who am I? First, I would say that I am a confident, attractive, intelligent...

CHF 25.90

Love and Dependence in Couple Relationships

Ionesco, Lucian Simon
Love and Dependence in Couple Relationships
It is often attributed to the love experience transforming power that borders on madness, by which people feel they lose their limits or their identity and enter a fusional state of fusion, similar to the dissolution of oneself. In the same way as mystics, this experience is referred to by lovers as a sensation of ecstasy that predisposes to abandonment and total surrender, as can be deduced from the Henry Miller quote with which we head this ...

CHF 25.50